5883 and 5881, the house numbers of the homes where I laid down my roots as a child, and where I began to truly develop my understanding of the word home. I knew without a doubt that they would be right where I left them when I returned, and that within these walls I could find comfort, security, and warmth. As a child I took for granted that I had a place to invite my friends to play after school, where we could build forts and watch movies. It never once crossed my mind that there were kids that did not have a stable home in which they could invite friends to; I was oblivious, in an innocent way. I made some of my most cherished memories at these homes, whether it was Christmas morning, baking cookies in the kitchen, or playing kick the can with all of the neighborhood kids. The vents in those houses echoed with laughter and pure bliss. I know now that it wasn’t always easy for my parents to make ends meet, to put food on the table, or to pay for our never-ending list of extra-curricular activities; and I will forever be in awe of their ability to do make it work without us having a clue. Their ability to provide a secure and stable home surrounded by neighbours that became family is a huge reason why I have become the person I am today. The deep roots that I established here in Calgary assisted me in building the confidence to explore the world and to establish roots in far off cities like New York City and Philadelphia. I knew that I had a home to go back to in Calgary no matter what happened out in the world. I knew that I would be welcomed back with open arms and when I returned on December 31, 2018 I was. It was truly a remarkable feeling, and as I reflect back on my return to Calgary, this wonderful smalltown big city place, I only hope to be able to assist in helping another young child develop the same feelings I did as a kid. On October 5, 2019 I have organized for 12 of my closest friends and family to come together to help in building a home in the community of Radisson Heights alongside Habitat for Humanity. This wonderful organization has partnered with more than 253 families across Southern Alberta, assisting them in purchasing their own home through Habitat’s affordable mortgage. This mortgage program ensures that the monthly mortgage payments are geared toward each family’s income level, never exceeding 25% of their total household income. Habitat for Humanity has made the dream of home ownership a reality for so many families who thought it could never be; and as 4000 people sit on the waitlist in Calgary waiting for social housing this could not be more imperative. Together, this group of 12 people need your help, to raise funds to assist in the building of this home and others built by Habitat for Humanity. Know that when you donate to Habitat for Humanity, your hard earned money is put directly toward the cost of building the homes, as Habitat’s ReStores cover almost 100 percent of the organizations administration costs. If you are able, we are asking for your donation to assist families in having the chance to build stability and independence. These affordable homes ensure that families no longer have to choose between paying rent and putting food on the table, or investing in life changing experiences like sports, music, or education. With your donation we are giving these families and their children the opportunity to grow roots, establish a community, and surround them with memories that they will carry with them wherever they go.