Habitat for Humanity's Women Build
Presented by TC Energy
Right now, 11% of Albertans are in core housing need. They're paying more than 30% of their income on housing that is unstable, unaffordable, or unsuitable for their family.
Our city is expensive, and women and children are the populations most likely to be affected by unstable living conditions. Women Build gives our community the chance to come together to address this need.
From September 19-22, nearly 100 women will have the chance to work under the guidance of experienced construction professionals and alongside friends, colleagues, and future Habitat homeowners.
Whether you're learning new skills or simply adding a few to you tool belt, this will be a rewarding experience that improves the communities we all share.
Here's how it works
1. Create your personal fundraising page
The fundraising minimum to participate is $500, but we know you can go higher, so reach for the stars!
2. Reach out
Send emails and post on your social networks asking family, friends and your favourite people in the world to help you reach your fundraising goal. Here's our handy list of fundraising tips.
3. Select your day to build
There are four days Women Build days, with a limited capacity on each day. Once you've hit your fundraising minimum, you'll get a link sent directly to your inbox to pick the day you would like to build.
If you're fundraising as a team, each team member will receive the link to pick their day once they've reached their $500 fundraising minimum, so be sure to communicate regularly and cheer each other on!
**You cannot reserve a space to build until you've reached your $500 minimum, so it's best to move quickly, especially if you wish to build with a team or group of friends.**